Author learningcurve

One of these things is not like the others….

Have you ever heard of Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry in Victoria, BC? Me neither, at least not up until a few weeks ago. We were introduced to a documentary called Most Likely to Succeed – based on a… Continue Reading →

Kingfisher Weekend

I have been lucky enough to be able to get away one weekend during the pandemic and visit the Kingfisher Resort. My long-time friend works for a hotel in Victoria and swung a trade-deal with them, so free stay for… Continue Reading →

I’m boring as h-e-double hockey sticks…

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash So, while doing a search for my name to check out my electronic footprint I learned that there are A LOT of Cindy Allen’s out there doing waaaaaay more stuff than I am…the only… Continue Reading →

What’s So Funny About Self Care?

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash LOL! This was the first reaction from both my partnering educator and another teacher when I asked them about their self care practices. One EA told me that when I choose this profession I’ll… Continue Reading →

Weekly Reflection #1 + #2

Week One – overwhelmed! So much scrolling and clicking it was hard to keep up. I ended up just following the to-do list of week one and somehow created a webpage (hurray!) and answering the surveys and I have no… Continue Reading →

Group Meeting #1

Emily, Alex Chris and I zoomed last week and discussions were all over the map, I recall the science course was discussed. Oh, and we did talk a bit about the MLTS film, which I really enjoyed and appreciated. I… Continue Reading →

Self Care Inquiry

This inquiry is a continuation of the inquiry I started for EDCI360 in the fall. I was (and still am) feeling super overwhelmed with the amount of everything that my life has become. One reason I am choosing education is… Continue Reading →

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